Additional status between accepted/admitted to enrolled
Helene Campbell
Is there any way to have an additional status available? This would be to either differentiate "newly enrolled" who are actually attending from newly enrolled who have not yet started. The current option we have is a sub status under accepted but to differentiate easily this in between status of definitely joining and deposit paid but not yet started would really help.
Denise McManus
It would be ideal to differentiate when integrating to the academic system, this will allow only enrolled students (who have started) to be synced instead of all students that have signed the enrolment agreement and have been moved to Enrolled but are yet to start.
ICS Addis Admissions
This would be very helpful for us as well. We have a substatus under "Enrolled" to show that a student is currently attending/enrolled, that is our current work-around, but would be best to have another status in between "Accepted" and "Enrolled".