Tours bookable without requiring a checklist item please.
Julie Foulkes-Hannam
"More flexibility is needed in the tour booking protocols. Currently, tours can only be booked if they are a 'checklist' item, causing confusion for parents who have already visited on an open day. This results in unnecessary bookings, taking up spaces needed for parents who have not yet visited. Can we allow tour bookings independently of the checklist to avoid this issue?"
Steven Born (OpenApply Team)
ICS Addis Admissions
Yes, this would be very helpful for us as well! I am not able to use Events due to the required Checklist placement, especially for families who are already have an OpenApply account.
Julie Foulkes-Hannam
ICS Addis Admissions We are persevering as booking tours and open days is helpful BUT this is a frustrating issue. We are constantly taking calls or responding to emails from parents concerned that they have checklist items outstanding - but it is a tour booking. Also if they have booked a tour and the checklist item is completed, the ‘system’ will not allow them to book another tour - some like to come back on another visit.